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Over the last few months I have been working on growing my social media presence, tweaking my website (still a work in progress) and making candles so I haven’t had much time to really relax. Even though I have been all over social media, I haven’t took the time to let people really get to know me. One day I stumbled across a twitter post talking about taking the 30-day writing challenge from @TheCheerfulMum on twitter. I thought this was an awesome idea so here I am and here we go!

Every day I will be adding to this post so please come back to see what the new question is!

Day 1 – List 10 things that make you happy.

  1. God, family and friends. God has blessed me in so many ways and I am thankful that it over fills my heart. One of the ways God has made me happy is by giving me a such a loving family and friends! That’s why I put this as #1 on my list because nothing can beat that type of happiness! (The remaining items on the list are in random order)
  2. Music. I love all types of music from rock to country, there is a song for everything. I can hear someone talking and just burst in with some lyrics to match it. Music can lift your spirit or calm your soul and it only takes one song to make you feel happy.
  3. Traveling. I love to travel especially to new places that I have never been. It’s an adventure that you have to soak up as much as you can in the time allotted. But my favorite place will always be the beach because it is so refreshing to just sit and watch the waves crash and the sun set over the ocean. The beach is my happy place.
  4. Writing. Of course I have to say writing because I am horrible at public speaking. I find happiness in writing and I can find the words easier to express what I am wanting to say.
  5. Watching movies and TV series. I love watching a great TV series that keeps you watching each week. The only problem with this is usually a lot of them get canceled or characters leave and you get emotionally attached. Movies are great too and at least you know (for the most part) that there is an ending.
  6. Flea markets and festivals. If you know me personally then you know that I love going to the flea market and finding a good deal. I love going to the local festivals and seeing all the neat crafty things people are making.
  7. Taking a bath. I know that sounds a little strange but I only have a shower in my bathroom. That’s why any time I am traveling, I always look to see if there is a bath tub so that I can just fill it up, climb in and relax.
  8. Seeing other people’s happiness. It warms my heart to see people become prosperous and succeed at what they are working so hard at to accomplish. I have been so happy for people that I was at a lost for words because I knew their struggles but they kept pushing forward and made it to where they wanted to be. All I can say is God is Good.
  9. New accessories. Most of my working life I have been bound to wearing a uniform so I like to use my accessories to spice up the look. Jewelry, hair accessories or a new pocketbook will put a smile on my face.
  10. Sunshine. Now I’m not talking about the heat or the humidity, I am just talking about the sunshine. Walking outside with the sun shining brightens my day, literally!


Day 2 – Who is your favorite fictional character?

Daenerys Targaryen from the Game of Thrones. She was basically sold off in marriage and made the best she could of it. Later she became the Mother of Dragons and Breaker of Chains for freeing the slaves. People followed her because her intentions was for the good of her people. She tries to do what is right and just even though she is trying to make her way back to the iron throne as the true heir.


Day 3 – What is your favorite quote?

It’s not happening to you, it’s happening for you.” – Meghann from Leone Luna Tarot. This is my new favorite quote because I have always believed that all things happen for a reason even when we don’t understand. Sometimes things have to happen so that it makes a way to where we want to be.


Day 4 – When was the last time you climbed a tree?

I can’t remember exactly what age I was but I know I was 12 or younger. The only thing I do remember about it was that me and oldest brother used to climb the trees that were in my grandma Hudson’s front yard.


Day 5 – What are your top 3 pet peeves?

  1. Lazy people. This is definitely number one on my list. I like being lazy too but there is a time and place for that. I am lazy after I get my work done, not before it’s even started.
  2. Shady people. These are people who work in the gray areas instead of the black or white, yes or no and can or can’t areas. You don’t know when or if they are being honest. Usually they do whatever it takes to do to save their own rear regardless of the price.
  3. Shaking me or yelling my name when it’s time to get up. My husband used to be bad about doing both and then wondered why I would act like the devil when I got up. It took him a while to catch on but now he just rubs my arm or back and softly speaks my name. I’m still not a morning person but at least I don’t go for the pitchfork any more (lol).

Day 6 – Write about someone who inspires you.

There is one problem that I have with one – I get inspiration from a lot different people and there is not one that I can name that would justify naming only one. For me, my biggest inspiration would come from God because he puts the people I need in my life like my husband, my kids, my grandkids, my family, my friends and my coworkers. I get support and encouragement from all sides. This inspires me to push forward and be the best I can be without looking back.


Day 7: What trait have you inherited from your parents?

There are plenty to choose from but I am going to have to say that the most noticeable trait would come from my mom, her ears. My grandpa had the ears and they were passed down to her so of course I got them but what’s great about that is that I have passed it along to my three sons too!


Day 8 – List 5 places you’d love to visit.

  1. Hawaii – From waterfalls, beaches, luaus to the tropical gardens: I want the whole tropical island experience – full force.
  2. Rome – Awe… I love cities that are full of history and this one is full of beautiful churches, gardens, museums and ancient Roman structures.
  3.  New Orleans, LA – Maris Gras here I come! A city with a blended Cajun culture full of art, music and history; who wouldn’t want to visit?
  4. London – Can you tell that I love historical places? Along with all the historical landmarks, here is where one of my favorite writers became famous: William Shakespeare.
  5. Jerusalem – There is so much biblical history that it overflows. I would love to see all the sacred places and streets that Jesus once had traveled.


Day 9 – Describe 5 ways to win your heart.

  1. Making me laugh is totally on top of the list.
  2. Being real, honest and straightforward. No holds barred just the real deal.
  3. By doing or saying sweet things to me that you don’t have to but want to.
  4. By showing compassion for other people.
  5. Support me, flaws and all.


Day 10 – Which movie or TV quotes do you use on a regular basis?

  1. “I’ll be back.” – The Terminator
  2. “Houston, we have a problem.” – Apollo 13 (It’s funny because my youngest son is named Houston.)
  3. “There’s no place like home.” – The Wizard of Oz
  4. “Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.” – The Godfather Part II



Day 11 – Write about 5 favorite movies you never tire of watching.

  1. Twilight – The whole series is great. Modern day vampires verses werewolves with a love story to boot. Who knew they would all come together to fight to save the life of one child?
  2. The Reaping –  When a small town in Louisiana starts experiencing biblical plagues, they call on an expert of science to explain the mysterious phenomenon but some things are beyond science.
  3. The Help – This movie’s setting is in Mississippi in the 1960s where one journalist writes a book about stories given to her from the maids perspective.
  4. The Wedding Planner – Who don’t love weddings and nothing beats watching this wedding planner accidently find the right man in the wrong situation.
  5. National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation – Nothing brings cheer and laughter like watching Clark bring the whole family together for Christmas. This has been my family’s Christmas movie to watch for years and it never gets old!


Day 12 – Bullet point your whole day.

  • Got up, took a shower and got ready for the day.
  • Ate at the Cracker Barrel for breakfast.
  • Washed and cleaned up the car.
  • Looked for the recipe I wanted to make for a new recipe post.
  • Went to the grocery store to buy food for dinner and my post.
  • Cleaned up the kitchen.
  • Made peanut butter fudge.
  • Watched a little TV with my husband, Steven.
  • Went back to check on the fudge and make pictures for my post.
  • Wrote my post and put it out on social media.
  • Made a YouTube video while cooking dinner (spaghetti and cheese bread).
  • Folded clothes.
  • Went to get snowballs.
  • Wrote this post so that I can sit back and relax the rest of the evening.


Day 13 – What fictional place would you most like to visit?

I think I would like to visit Neverland. First of all, it’s an island which automatically makes it awesome to me. Then you add in the fairies, mermaids and pirates what’s not to love? Lastly, you never grow up and there is adventure everywhere. Sounds like a pretty cool place to visit to me.


Day 14 – Write about if your zodiac sign suits you or not.

I am a Libra so I believe my sign does suit me. Libra is the only sign that is not represented by an animal or some type of person which is unique just like I am (my husband can testify to how “unique” I am lol). Libra is represented by the scale which is a sign of balance. I believe in being fair and just to everyone. I always seek peace and harmony verses engaging in conflict. I like to take time to logically think out a decision and when I become overwhelmed by negative situations I begin to become indecisive which also traits of a Libra. So my sign totally suits me!


Day 15 – List 10 facts about yourself.

  1. I can’t cook from scratch. I need instructions or a recipe to cook something from scratch even though I come from a line a great southern cooks.
  2. My favorite pet is a dog but we don’t have a fence to keep one in so we don’t have any pets.
  3. My favorite 80’s band is The Cars.
  4. I have 2 favorite hobbies – writing and my newest one: making candles.
  5. I love going to flea markets, yard sells, markets and fairs.
  6. The beach is my happy place.
  7. My favorite colors are pink, purple and orange.
  8. I had 3 brothers growing up and then I had 3 sons so I have always been outnumbered at home by males.
  9. I love crafting and decorating for weddings.
  10. I am very patient and kind to people the way God expects me to be regardless of how I am treated. Click here for more about relating to people.


Day 16 – Who are your favorite 3 celebrities?

  1. Julia Roberts – She is mostly famous for her role in the movie “Pretty Woman” but my favorite movie she plays in is “Sleeping with the Enemy”. Humor, drama and action – she can do it all.
  2. Pink – Her music comes off with such a real life attitude that you know and feel exactly what she is trying to say through it.
  3. Joyce Meyers – Joyce came from a difficult background but she conquered it. I love listening to her preach because she knows how to relate to people on a personal level.


Day 17 – If you were hosting a dinner part, what would be on your menu?

Because I’m not all fancy smancy, it makes it a little harder for me to answer this question. I have never hosted a formal dinner party so my menu will be a little more like southern-style comfort food.

Drinks – Sweet tea, lemonade, coke or water.

Appetizer – Side salad, cocktail weenies or cheese ball with crackers.

Main Course – Barbecue pork chops with creamy mash potatoes, green beans, corn on the cob and a dinner roll.

Dessert – Cherry yum-yum or million dollar pie.


Day 18 – What 3 lessons do you want your children to learn?

  1. Follow the 10 commandments so that you are always honoring God in everything you do.
  2. Life is not about the material things, it’s about the experiences.
  3. I will love you all the days of my life and I guide you as much as you will allow me to.


Day 19 – Put your music on shuffle, and list the first 10 songs you hear.

  1. Groove is in the Heart – Deee-Lite
  2. Do Ya Think I’m Sexy – Rod Stewart
  3. Cowboy – Kid Rock
  4. Timber – Pitbull
  5. Carry Out – Timbaland
  6. Burn Me Down – Marty Stuart
  7. This is What You Came For – Calvin Harris
  8. Elevate My Mind – Stereo MC’s
  9. Fireball – Pitbull
  10. Feel Good – Tony!Toni!Tone!


Day 20 – Write something interesting about where you live.

I live 5 minutes away from the only BMW manufacturing plant in the United States.


Day 21 – Name 3 things that make you laugh out loud.

  1. Listening to my husband tell his famous “honey bun” story from when he was in the Marine Corp. His facial expressions while he tells it cracks me up.
  2. When my friend, Crystal, starts a story with “Shannon, I was just minding my own business when…”. I know it’s going to be something outrageously crazy and funny.
  3. When people start talking about cooking and I tell them about my 1st Thanksgiving and the baked macaroni pie. (But in my defense, I was in my early 20’s.)


Day 22 – What has been the highlight of the year so far?

I would have to say that so far my highlight has been starting my blog. I love to write so when I found the free class online to get started, I knew it was fate. What made it better is that I finally decided to pay for the Blogging Blastoff course which everyone was entered to win but I won the prize of taking the class for free! I felt so blessed and excited!


Day 23 – What’s in your handbag/wallet?

I carry too much in mine lol but here is a list of what’s in my pocketbook.

  • my wallet
  • lighter
  • hand sanitizer
  • my work badge
  • lipstick
  • pens
  • my glasses
  • my iPhone
  • change purse
  • comb
  • hair clip
  • keys
  • crackers
  • old receipts
  • a pop-tart for the morning
  • water flavor packets
  • iPhone earbuds

Now that I finished writing about what is in my pocketbook, I need to clean it out lol.


Day 24 – What would your favorite fairy tale look like if it took place today and made use of modern technology?

Cinderella in today’s time would be a hoot. Like Cinderella would have to do all the house work but with a rumba for the floors, a dishwasher, clothes washer and dryer while she listens to her iPod. That afternoon she would get an IM from her friends about the ball being held at the castle at Walt Disney World but her step-mom refuses let her go. Instead she sneaks out and calls an Uber to pick her up to take her to the mall for a new dress and heels. Plus while she is there she can go ahead and get her nails, hair and makeup done too. Once she gets to the ball, she will take a selfie in front to share on her social media just so her friends would know she made it. After spending the evening with the prince, she knows her curfew is midnight so she calls for another Uber but on her way out she looses one of her heels. The prince picks up the heel hoping to find her by checking out all the social media from the event but he can’t find any  footage of her. Next he searches online for any stores that may sell that particular heel and finds there is only one. He visits the store and because of the privacy laws the only information they can give him is the street name so he travels from house to house on that street trying to find his Cinderella. Once he gets to her house, she shows him the selfie with the same heels on and then he takes her off in his limo to live happily ever after. The end lol.



Day 25 – What was the best trip of your life?

Oh wow this is a hard one because I anticipate that it hasn’t happened yet lol. But having to pick from my top trips: Germany, France or Las Vegas, I would have to go with Las Vegas. There is no where in the world like Vegas and the rule is: what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. My husband and I went a few years ago in February for a week long getaway. I totally loved the bright lights of the city and walking through all the hotels because each one has it own theme and attractions that draws in people. Beyond the strip we also visited Bonnie Springs Ranch, one of the oldest saloons in America the Pioneer Saloon, Hoover Dam and the Extraterrestrial Highway just to name a few. We had such a good time laughing and spending time together; not only enjoying the city but enjoying each other.


Day 26 – What was the last book you didn’t finish?

The Blue Zones. It’s actually a really good book but I was stressed for time to read it for a class I was taking. The Blue Zones are regions around the world where people live the longest so the writers interviewed people from these regions. They are looking to find the secrets to living a long fulfilling life. Each region has some different views but there are some similar characteristics when it came to being active and family values. I loved reading about the different cultures and the things that I can apply to my life to make it better. I think I need to go back and finish it though, lol….


Day 27 – What was your favorite class in school?

Well it started out as being math until I got into Algebra II and when it started whooping me, I started hating it lol. By the end of high school, it ended up being English literature. I loved Shakespeare’s writing so much that I own a whole collection of his works now.


Day 29 – If you had a time machine, which decade would you visit?

Even though I was born in the early 70’s, I would like to go visit the 70’s as an adult. Who didn’t love all the bright colors, bell bottoms, shag carpet, retro dresses and disco? To top it off, you had the hippy movement with love, peace and shag wagons. The 70’s seemed to be a time of simplicity and go with the flow where as today kids don’t really play outside and people are too busy to really lay back, relax and enjoy anything. Yes, I am a flower child….


Day 30 – If there were 26 hours in a day, what would you do more of?

Well there are so many things to choose from but my favorite would be to write more stories. When I complete a story I feel accomplished and happy. I also enjoy being able to share my stories on social media and make a real connection with people.

If you have enjoyed reading this post as much as I have writing it, please use the comment box to let me know. You never know later on I may decide to do another 30 day challenge with a whole new set of questions so make sure you sign up to receive my emails that way you don’t miss out!


  1. That’s an awesome writing challenge, and a great way for others to get to know you. I might have to participate in one myself. Enjoyed reading. Blessings to you.

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