When you are stuck at home, how do you keep yourself connected to the rest of the world in a fun and positive way? You can always play this virtual social media game with your friends.

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This favorites game uses social media to keep you connected and you get to learn more about each other in a positive and fun environment. You can play with your regular friends or use it to make new friends. There are so many options and the fun never runs out. Below is a few guidelines that will help you get started today!

What is your favorite vacation spot virtual friend favorites game

Follow these steps to start your own virtual favorites game:

First, someone will need to be the leader. The leader will be responsible for starting the post each time. Next, everyone will need to choose a common platform (Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, Zoom, etc.) to use. Now the group will need to decide how often to post (twice a day, once a day, every other day, etc.). Lastly, everyone will want to decide how the posts will be formatted. Will it be random or will it be with texts, GIFs or actual pictures? The group can also decide if a “why” needs to be added to everyone’s post. Don’t forget to agree upon any rules that may need to be applied (stay positive, no bad language, must post by midnight, etc.) before the game starts. Now that everything is in place, it’s time to start playing!

Here are 25 Favorite Ideas to get you started:

  1. Favorite food.
  2. Favorite TV series.
  3. Favorite vacation spot.
  4. Favorite hobby.
  5. Favorite song.
  6. Favorite quote.
  7. Favorite app.
  8. Favorite book.
  9. Favorite drink.
  10. Favorite season.
  11. Favorite movie.
  12. Favorite band.
  13. Favorite room.
  14. Favorite YouTube channel.
  15. Favorite sports team.
  16. Favorite holiday.
  17. Favorite shirt.
  18. Favorite game (board or video).
  19. Favorite time of day.
  20. Favorite emoji.
  21. Favorite animal.
  22. Favorite amusement park ride.
  23. Favorite restaurant.
  24. Favorite cartoon character.
  25. Favorite picture.
What is your favorite amusement park virtual friend favorites game

The main focus is to have fun and stay connected!

The list can go on and on but these are just a few ideas to get you started. Remember that this is a friend game that can evolve and change the more you play it.

If you would like to share your virtual game ideas, leave a comment in the box below. Don’t forget to sign up for the weekly email and stop by the Southern Shop to check out new arrivals. As always have a blessed day!

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