If you read my post What are the 7 Chakras? , then you have a simple understanding of what the chakras represent and where they are located. If not then I would suggest reading it first. You know it is important to have all your chakras in alignment but how can you directly apply it to your life?

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To answer that question I have a very simple way of applying it, questions to see where you are at on the path to alignment and a brief explanation of what that means from my perspective.

I am ~ Root or base chakra which is your foundation. This is who you really are to the core. Questions to ask yourself: Do I know who I really am? Do I recognize my core beliefs?

Think about what you truly believe in. This is you in the rarest of forms after you peel back all the layers and you get to the core. This includes what you believe about yourself, love, morals, truths, etc. Only you know who you really are but these core beliefs that make up your foundation and normally these shine through your character and personality.

I feel ~ Sacral or naval chakra which is basically your desires, intimacy and relationships. Questions to ask yourself: Do I know what my desires are? How do I feel about my relationships?

If you feel secure, satisfied and happy in your relationships then I would say you have this under control. If you don’t then maybe you have some alignment work to do. Focus on being that which you desire. For example, if you desire to be loved more in a relationship then you first must look to yourself. You have to love yourself and be at peace with that regardless of anything or anyone else because you can’t give what you don’t have. Next you need to give the type of love that you desire. This is what “being that which you desire” means.

I do ~ Solar plexus chakra which represents your strength, wisdom and confidence. Questions to ask yourself: Do I know my life’s purpose? Am I confident in all things that I do?

I enjoy writing and I feel confident in it. I may not always have the correct grammar or punctuation but I write it as if I am I talking with you. Even though I don’t feel comfortable publicly speaking or being directly in the spotlight, I feel empowered when I am able to write it. When you know your life’s purpose then everything else falls in line. You are confident, strong and knowledgeable with no limits to how far you can take it.

I love ~ Heart chakra which is your emotions, hope and harmony. Questions to ask yourself: Do I feel at peace? Do I allow love to flow freely through me?

Look past the conditions surrounding you and look inside yourself to find these answers. If you are not at peace and don’t approach things from a place of love, then you need to work on your alignment. Conditions are temporary but love is both eternal and internal. Love needs to flow freely through you so that you can be at peace under any conditions.

I speak ~ Throat chakra which is basically your communication. Questions to ask yourself: Do I only speak truths? How well do I communicate or express truths?

The catch to this is word truths. When you communicate it should be with the intentions of speaking the truth. They say actions speak louder than words so know that this includes body language and vibrations. I can feel people’s vibrations and auras without them saying a word. This why it is so important to speak or communicate only the truth which should be connected to your core beliefs.

I see ~ Third eye or brow chakra which represents your intuition and awareness. Questions to ask yourself: How I envision my life? Do I recognize and follow my inner guidance, signals and signs?

A prime example of visualizations: I have always wanted a Jeep and the more I focus on having a Jeep, the more I begin to see Jeeps everywhere I go. Do I have it yet? Nope but I know that God is lining everything up for me to have one so I enjoy seeing all the different types so when it is my time, I will know exactly which one I want. I also see Angel numbers which for me is a direct message from Heaven. Another example is when you feel like something is not right about a situation. This is your intuition guiding you to step away from the situation. Listen to your guidance and be aware of the signals and signs that surround you.

I understand ~ Crown chakra which is your spiritual enlightenment and divine consciousness. Questions to ask yourself: Do I understand that I have a divine connection to everything in my life? Do I understand that things are not happening to me but for me?

Everything happens for a reason whether it’s to help you grow or to help another grow, it is all connected. God divinely connected you to the people that you come in contact with even the not so good ones. Think about your life story and how all the events have led to you to where you are in this exact moment. Think about where you are now and how it will play a part in where you want to be. It’s like a stepping stone to the next level or chapter in your life. Understanding that you have a divine connection to God and the universe will help you in alignment of the crown chakra.

Now I hope you have a deeper understanding of the chakras, how they all connect to each other and how to apply them to your life. When one chakra is out of alignment, it affects the others which is why it is important to understand where you are in the alignment process. There are plenty of ways to get back into alignment but many people use meditation as a tool to help bring back the balance to your life, body and spirit.

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