In his new book, The Missing Link: Your Journey with Peter From Self Power to Holy Spirit Power, author Sam Hunter reaches out to those who feel they are missing something in their quest to follow Jesus and invites us to the journey with the Apostle Peter to learn the power of the Holy Spirit and understand the joy that awaits us when we appropriate and lean into the Holy Spirit in our everyday life.

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“–there is so much more to this life with the Spirit than you are currently experiencing.”

It is evident that many Christians have become comfortable with the status quo of their faith. They go to church. Lead good lives. Do good deeds. All the while, they read about the intangible concept of the Holy Spirit. They listen in church as the pastor speaks of the miracles throughout Acts. Jesus and Paul and Peter talk about a new power, but what could this actually look like in day-to-day life?

“When you become someone in whom the fruit of the Spirit is strong, it overflows all around you.”

Told entirely from Peter’s perspective, The Missing Link is a conversational, thought-provoking read that invites us to share Peter’s journey following Jesus’ return to Heaven, as he is transformed from self-centered into being truly filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. Readers will see the Holy Spirit in a whole new light and learn to appreciate and live with this new power Jesus promised.

“Listen closely as I share with you my journey, our journey, your journey.”

Ssouthernlifestyle ~ The author did a spectacular job writing it through the voice of the Apostle Peter. I felt as if I was walking along the path with Peter as he told the story of his own spiritual journey. Getting this glimpse of Peter’s personal thoughts and feelings gives you a deeper understanding about what the “missing link” really is. This book is one of the best faith based books that I have read beyond the Bible and if you will allow it, it can inspire you along your own walk with Christ as it has mine.

About the author:

Author Sam Hunter has been teaching and preaching about following Jesus for 20 years. He hosts 721 Live and can be heard Fridays 11:00 – 11:30 on FM 91.9 and 92.9 Christian Talk Radio in South Carolina. He is also the author of The Putting Green Devotional Series and has produced two DVD curriculums: Contentment: The Path to Peace; and Fear: Do you React in Fear or Respond in Faith? His aim is to help men and women find and live “Life to the Full.” He resides in Greenville, SC.

Visit for more information.

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