This barbecue season, elevate the grilling experience with Bear Mountain’s 100% natural hardwood pellets. Don’t have a pellet grill? That’s not a problem! These premium hardwood pellets can create irresistible, wood-fired flavors and aromas on any gas, charcoal or electric grill or smoker.
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This barbecue season, try one of these simple techniques to add delicious smoke flavor to any meal, on any grill:
Pellet Smoking Tubes
– Great for cold smoking and smoking food on gas and charcoal grills.
There are many pellet tube options on the market that work great to add smoke flavor to your food. Fill the pellet tube as directed by the manufacturer and light the pellets using a torch. When the flame goes out, the pellets will smolder and smoke for up to 4 hours.
Foil Pouch Method
– Simple way to add wood smoke flavor to gas, charcoal and electric grills.
Fold a large handful (3 oz.) of pellets in foil and crimp the edges. Poke a few small holes in the foil pouch and place on top of the heat source (burner or coals). This works great to reverse-sear your food, but smoking first, then finishing it off over the higher heat.

Pan Method
– Great for adding smoke flavor to both gas and charcoal grills.
Use a small baking pan, and fill 1/3 full with pellets. Cover with foil, and poke a few small holes in the middle of the foil. Place the pan on your coals or near the heat source of your grill. Close the lid to allow the pellets to smoke, not flame, and enjoy when your meat has reached the desired temperature. This method can also be done with a steel wood chip box.
Sprinkle Method
– Ideal for a charcoal grill.
Sprinkle a large handful (approximately 3 oz.) of pellets on hot coals. Close the lid to allow the pellets to smoke while cooking food. Since the pellets will burn down, you’ll want to add more to get more smoke flavor.
Bear Mountain BBQ uses only high-quality natural hardwood to add rich, smoky flavor to food without adding anything artificial. Offered in a variety of hardwood flavors and specialty Craft Blends™, Bear Mountain’s pellets create the perfect flavors for any meal.
To help backyard barbecuers kick off grilling season right, check out Reverse Seared Tri-Tip Grilling Recipe. Information provided by If you use hardwood pellets while grilling, let me know how you like it by leaving a comment in the box below. Don’t leave without getting on the email list so you won’t miss a post and as always have a blessed day!