Did you know that the word Spirit is included over 500 times throughout the Bible? Sounds like your spirit is pretty important which is why it needs to be renewed on a daily basis. This …

Psalms of Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is almost here and if you live in the South it’s all about food, family and football. This year instead writing about all the things I’m thankful for, I wanted to give thanks to …

Parenting with God
When you first become a parent, you realize that there isn’t a manual to teach you how to parent. You can listen to advice and stories from your parents, family and friends but nothing can …

The Easiest Way to Explain the Trinity
The Trinity has always been God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit but trying to find an easy way to explain it is difficult. For the longest it was hard for …

The 30 Day Writing Challenge
This post may contain affiliate links. Ssouthernlifestyle may receive a commission from the links that you click on at no additional charge for you. Thank you for supporting ssouthernlifestyle! Over the last few months I …