Did you ever watch the show Doomsday Preppers? If not, it was a show that followed different people as they were prepping for different doomsday scenarios. It was actually a very interesting show but the one thing everyone had in common was prepping.

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Not everybody wants to be an extreme prepper.

You don’t have to be an extreme prepper just because you want to be prepared. All you need is to think like a prepper. First you need to define for how many people and how long you are wanting to prep for. Are you looking for sustainability for 3 weeks or 3 months? This will need to be determined so that you can start planning. You don’t start a business without a business plan so you shouldn’t start prepping without a prepping plan.

There are 3 key ingredients to prepping.

  • Water – You can only survive a few days without water which makes it a key ingredient to prepping. A gallon of water per person, per day is the recommended amount but the more you store, the better off you will be. You will also need to consider storing water for cooking or sanitation needs that is not included in the gallon allotted per person.
  • Food – You can actually survive about 3 weeks without food but it’s a key factor of prepping. You will need to determine how many calories a day each individual will need. Women and men vary on calorie intake so you will need to know how much is necessary to store. You will want to buy foods that are non-perishable or have a long shelf life. Things like canned meats, beans and pastas are good examples.
  • Safety – This key ingredient covers everything from shelter to protection to medicine. Maybe having a pop-up tent, a first aid kit, extra medicine, a survival knife or another means of protection will help you feel safe and prepared. You will have to decide what your safety needs are because there is no standard for what will make you feel prepared.

Think about storage and inventory.

Now that you know exactly how much you need to prep for, you need to think about storage. Where will you store your provisions? You don’t want to store anything in extreme temperatures. Do want to buy containers or shelving to help with the storage? You will need a way of organizing everything so that you know exactly what you have and what you need.

How will you keep up with the inventory? You need to have a clear inventory list that includes expiration dates so that you don’t allow anything to go bad before it gets used. You don’t want to waste so if you have a solid inventory list, you will know in advance what needs to be used and replaced to maintain your stockpile.

If you have pets, you will have to account for their needs too. Water, food and safety are the key ingredients when creating your prepping plan. As you grow as a prepper, you may even decide to start growing your own food but for now these tips will help you start thinking like a prepper.

References: DIY Prepper & ThoughtCo.

If you are a beginner prepper, leave a prepping tip in the comment section down below. Don’t forget to sign up for a weekly email from Ssouthernlifestyle and as always have a blessed day.

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