If you blog for any kind of business or website, then you probably already post your articles on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter and Instagram but do you post to these 3 websites? If not then you …

Visiting Gaffney Outlet Marketplace
Located right off of I85 in Gaffney, South Carolina, this striving outlet mall has been around for years and is a favorite for many of the locals. In South Carolina, we usually refer to Gaffney …

5 Things Every Website Should Test on a Regular Basis
No matter what type of business website you have, if one of these 5 functions isn’t working properly, you could be loosing potential customers, visitors and/or email subscribers. This post contains informational and/or affiliate links. …

Deeper into the Chakras
If you read my post What are the 7 Chakras? , then you have a simple understanding of what the chakras represent and where they are located. If not then I would suggest reading it …

4 Email Mistakes You Can’t Afford to Make
Because we live in the world of technology, email is one of the easiest ways to reach your customers. The problem is that email can become overwhelming if you don’t check it constantly. This post …

Packing for a New Adventure
Who doesn’t love planning a new adventure? I know I do but packing for it, is a different story. With so many new items out there to choose from, where do you start? Whether you …

What Makes a Leader Great?
All companies have standards for what they expect from a leader. Most offer basic leadership training that guides you on how to be company oriented. A great leader has skills that can be applied at …

Pici Pasta & Tomato Sauce with Aglione
Tuscan Women Cook, the week-long culinary immersion vacation in the Tuscan village of Montefollonico, teaches participants generational recipes created in the homes of the families of Tuscany taught by the local “nonnas” or grandmothers. Perhaps …

3 Sweet Ideas for a Cheese Board
For a perfect ending to summer outdoor concerts, picnics or poolside gatherings, assemble a dessert cheese board featuring creative presentations of fresh berries and Crave Brothers Farmstead Fresh Mozzarella and Mascarpone. When you offer an …