Preface: Since I have started my new blog it has been on my heart to add a Christian based inspirational category. I know this may not be the most popular category but it’s normal for me to go against the grain. God has allowed me to experience so many different things in life, that it has given me a greater appreciation and understanding that I want to share with others. 

Laying it down is a popular phrase for a southern Christian but what does that even mean? Laying it down means laying all things down at God’s feet, giving him complete control and letting him do what only he is capable of doing (especially the things that we have no control over and steal our happiness). So many people say they do but in reality they don’t lay it all down or they turn around and pick it back up. People don’t understand that when you truly lay something down, it doesn’t always mean your situation has changed. It means that you have peace with it, you know and believe that God is working in your favor and you feel like a weight has been lifted off of you. Laying it down allows you to feel grateful and happy even though the situation is not ideal. It is like an overwhelming feeling of joy that you want to share with others even though words cannot do it justice.

Most people expect a situation to have instant change when they lay it down and start praying but it doesn’t always happen that way, so we get discouraged easily. We start doubting and worrying which means we didn’t really lay it all down. Think about it like building a house, would you build a house in one day so that you have instant gratification? No, you plan it out. You gather your resources and you put people and things in place that are needed so by the end of the journey you have a well built house. Does this mean that there wont be situations arise? No but you find ways to over come them because you know in the end that you will have your house. The feeling of expectation and excitement of having that house is the drive that keeps you from not giving up. This is how God’s plan for our lives works. God wants us to lay it at his feet so that we can enjoy the journey (regardless of the situation) because we know he has it all worked out.

So if you ever use the phrase “lay it down”, think about what it means to you and how you feel. Those answers, along with the type of energy (positive or negative) that you put out, will let you know if you truly laid it down or not.

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