Groupon is a great place to get discounts to a variety of services and products both locally and worldwide. Have you ever took the time to look through all the different offers Groupon has? Well I decided to take a peek and I came across some pretty interesting discounts.
This post contains links to other posts within Ssouthernlifestyle’s website. Ssouthernlifestyle is not affiliated with Groupon or any of the merchants that sell the products listed below.
Here are the top 5 interesting things you can buy on Groupon:

Gummy Bears – America’s favorite gummy has evolved. These aren’t just your average gummy bears, these are CBD-infused gummies. You can even buy them sugar-free, who knew?

Psychic readings – Got questions? They’ve got answers. You can get a discount on tarot card readings and psychic readings by phone to see what the future holds for you.

Name a star – “Star light, star bright, there is the star I named tonight.” Name a star and receive a certificate of registration which includes the verified coordinates of your very own star.

Own land on the Moon or on Mars – I hope you don’t have to pay yearly taxes when you own an acre of land on the Moon or Mars. The kit comes with a deed, a map that includes the location of your land and an information packet.

Lady and/or Lordship titles – Choose from Scottish, Irish, German or English Lady and Lordship titles. Of course now you can officially call me “Lady Shannon” since I bought an Irish title for myself and my husband, “Lord Steven”.
I will definitely be keeping an eye out for any other interesting deals I can find on Groupon. Leave a comment below of any weird or interesting discounts you have seen or bought on Groupon. Don’t forget to check out the Southern Shop to see the latest and greatest designs. Sign up for the weekly email from Ssouthernlifestyle before you leave and as always have a blessed day!
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I did not know that you could Own land on the Moon or on Mars. I also did not know that you could get it on Groupon. People are very creative.
I have done the name a star thing but will definitely check into the Lady/Lordship lol
Wow, I love groupon and had no idea they had some of these things!