“Tis the season to be giving ~ fa la, la, la…”. This time of year so many people get caught up in the buying of gifts, preparing the holiday menus and scheduling all the Christmas “get togethers” but they don’t spend a lot of time thinking about how they can make a difference by giving.

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Some people give out of habit or expectation each year but I feel like your spirit should move you to take action. So why you are out and about during the holidays, think about these 25 simple ways that you can give this holiday season or come up with your own because it always feels good to give when you do it from the heart!

  1. Give to the red bucket. Salvation Army jinglers stand out in cold every year just to collect these donations to help those in need.
  2. Tip your server a little extra. Servers usually don’t even make minimum wage and have to work during the holidays instead of being at home with their families so it’s nice for them to receive a little more for their sacrifice.
  3. Donate a new toy to your local Toys for Tots program. You can find a local program in your area on the website https://www.toysfortots.org/.
  4. Create a care package for the troops that are deployed. If you don’t know how to make one, you can research Military.com for articles. You can also find a list of programs that help you with the care packages here.
  5. Give to a local food bank. Donate canned goods and non perishable foods to help feed those in need.
  6. Volunteer your time or donate money to your local Meals on Wheels program that helps feed seniors. For more information visit: https://www.mealsonwheelsamerica.org/.
  7. Donate blood to your local American Red Cross program. You can visit https://www.redcross.org/ to find your local program and where to donate.
  8. Donate to a local children’s home. Call and talk to the director to find out how you can best give that will directly help the children.
  9. Donate coats, socks and blankets to a local homeless shelter. This time of the year is the weather is cooler so help keep others warm with these simple items.
  10. Download the app Charity Miles, choose a charity and get moving. For every mile you do, your charity of choice earns money from a corporate sponsor.
  11. Donate food and/or toys to a local animal shelter. Call your local animal shelter to see what they are in need of.
  12. Find a family in need to sponsor. If you don’t know of any, contact a local church, charity or shelter that may know of a family.
  13. Register on https://freerice.com to play games that for every answer you get right, sponsors donate the cash that equals 10 grains of rice to the World Food Programme.
  14. Give stuffed animals to the children’s ward of your local hospital. You will need to contact your local hospital for information but it is worth bringing comfort to a child.
  15. Find a GoFundMe cause to donate to. You can find all types of different causes to help but find one that inspires you to give.
  16. Donate cases of water with a Christmas card to your local first responders like police officers, EMTs and firefighters. It’s nice to give back with a donation of appreciation that they can use.
  17. Register for a local 5k run/walk for a cause that you want to support. Every step counts towards helping the cause.
  18. Give a Christmas card to your barber/hairdresser, postman/postwoman or anyone else that provides a service to you all year long.
  19. Fill a shoebox for Operation Christmas Child. Visit the website for more information and details to help children around the world.
  20. Sign up to shop at https://smile.amazon.com and Amazon will donate 0.5% of eligible purchases to a charity of your choice for no extra cost.
  21. Donate your vision by registering on https://www.bemyeyes.com/ which connects people that are vision impaired with volunteers that help with visual assistance.
  22. Give Christmas cards and/or create care packages for a local nursing home. So many are alone and this will bring some comfort this holiday season.
  23. Buy school supplies for a local school. Call your local school and ask what are some of the most needed items for the classrooms.
  24. Pay it forward by paying the bill for the person in line behind you whether it’s at a drive-thru, coffee shop or grocery store. It’s the thought that counts.
  25. Donate money to your favorite YouTube channel. Most have a donate link in the description and it helps fund the channel.

In a world full of darkness, you can be the light. Give from the heart this holiday season and make a difference in someone else’s life. If you have other ideas for giving, leave them in the comment section below. Don’t forget to sign up for a weekly email from Ssouthernlifestyle and as always have a blessed day!

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