Many parents have struggled to keep their children occupied during the quarantine but having school work did help. Now that school is out, what options do parents have? Virtual summer camps. This guide has over …
kid games
Showing: 1 - 4 of 4 Articles

7 Fun Ways to Celebrate Easter at Home
Easter 2020 will look different than the previous years because most people are confined to their homes due to the COVID-19 virus. This doesn’t mean that you can’t celebrate Easter, it just means you have …

8 Not So Scary Halloween Party Games for Kids
For years kids have been going trick or treating for Halloween but it is a tradition that is slowly changing. To be safer, parents have started taking their kids to “trunk or treat” events, fall …

Would You Rather Car Game
I don’t know about you but I played a lot of car games with my children while they were growing up like eye spy, name that artist or spot different state license plates but I …