Throughout the year the Girl Scouts have events to give the girls an opportunity to give back to the communities they live in. There are also events that the girls and their families get to participate in that gives back to the Girl Scouts organization like Service Day.
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Service Day allows family members and their scout to help clean up the Girl Scout camps before they open for the year. This was the first year that I went with my granddaughter for Service Day and I wasn’t sure what to expect. With gloves and water bottles off we went to Camp Mary Elizabeth in Spartanburg to help clean up the camp.

We started the day off by getting group assignments. There were groups planting flowers, raking leaves, trimming monkey grass and picking up trash and branches along the trails.
The plants that I try to grow usually don’t survive so I was glad when Talia picked for us to do the trash and branch clean up along the trails. We took a sip of our water and headed down the forestry trails.

There were plenty of broken branches to clean up along the trails but I couldn’t help but take in the beauty of the nature surrounding us. We got to see some unusual (to me) plants along the way.
There was also stream that ran down beside the trail which later we found a bridge to cross to continue on our mission.
Once we were done with the trails, we went back to main building to see what was next on our agenda. Talia started trimming the monkey grass while I raked leaves nearby. After about 3 hours of work, it was time for lunch which was provided to us by the new camp director. I thought that was more than generous since we were there to give back to the camp.
Once lunch was over, one of the parents told us that they had found the camp’s tire swing so to end the day we all went down to the tire swing to let all the kids have a turn on the tire swing.

As everyone left, Talia and I decided to stick around a little longer to soak up some of the views and check out some of the other places like where they have camp fires, Happy Rock and the stream.
Even though I ached the next day and my allergies still haven’t recovered fully, I totally enjoyed Service Day with my granddaughter. It wasn’t only about showing support for my granddaughter, her troop and the Girl Scout organization, it also allowed me to be an example to her. It is important to teach kids about doing service for others, giving back and appreciating nature. If you have a scout in your family, make sure you take the time to do a Service Day or a community project with them.
I would love to hear about any event you have participated in with the Girl or Boy Scouts. Leave your story below in the comments. Go to the home page to sign up for my weekly email and as always have a blessed day!