With the pandemic of the coronavirus, people have been flooding to the stores to buy all the things they think they would need. Food, water, cleaning supplies and toiletries to name a few. It is a good thing to get all the supplies you need to get through but you also need to think about all the places that germs could be lingering.
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Have you thought about all the public surfaces that you touch in just a simple trip to the grocery store?
Under normal circumstances people generally think of public bathrooms being the worst place to pick up germs but in reality, there are so many more places. Most people don’t think about all the public surfaces that they touch while they are out in public that have the same potential to carry germs as a public bathroom.

Here are just a few examples of the public surfaces that you need to keep in mind the next time you are out:
- Door handles. Stores without automatic doors which includes convenience stores can have germs all over the door handles. Think about where you work, how many people use the same doors to enter and exit? How often do you see people cleaning the door handles?
- Soft drink machines. Many places have gotten away from the old-style where you push your cup against the lever and now you just have to push a button. That button you push has been pushed by a lot of people before you but how many times does it get cleaned a day? The old-style is even worse because when people get refills, they have already put their mouth along the same rim they are pushing against the lever with. How many people have thought about that over the years?
- Card readers / ATMs. There are so many transactions made back to back without being sanitized including the pen you use to push the screen buttons or sign your name. Even the buttons you use to type in your pin number have been used over and over without being cleaned.
- Grocery cart handles. Now I have to say a lot of stores are putting out the sanitizing wipes so that you can wipe off the handles before you use them but if they don’t, be careful because everyone pushes the cart with the same handle as you do.
- Tables, chairs and counters. Think about when you eat out. Yes, servers wipe off the tables and seats but in fast food places, it’s not as often especially during busy times. Just be mindful when you are dining out.
- Gas pump handles. Everyone has to use the same handle to pump gas but I have never witnessed anyone ever sanitizing the handle. It’s something to think about.
- Hand rails. Not everyone uses hand rails or touches hand rails but it does have potential especially when you have small children who love to swing, climb and play on them.
- Vending machines. Most work places have vending machines for snacks, food and drinks. Who sanitizes the buttons, the screen or the door you touch to pick up your chosen item? I don’t know. My question would be, do they actually get cleaned?
How can you protect yourself against all the lingering germs?
One way to protect yourself would be to carry hand sanitizer. After you touch a public surface, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol according to the CDC.
Another way would be to carry sanitizing wipes. If you are able to wipe off the surface before touching it then use the sanitizing wipes. Surfaces like the grocery cart handles, tables, counters, etc. would be good examples to use the wipes on.
As everyone should already know, wash your hands after touching public surfaces. Avoid touching your face until after you can wash your hands to avoid transferring any possible germs to your nose or mouth.
There are a few public places that people tend to forget about that are high traffic stops for travelers and germs.

If you travel a lot or if your job consists of travel then you already know where these high traffic places are. If not, then you need to keep in mind that people from different areas of the state, country and world use these same places so take the same precautions to protect yourself.
- Truck stops
- Visitor centers
- Public transportation (planes, trains, subways, taxis, etc.)
Don’t think that this as a way of trying to scare you into being a germophobic. This is intended to educate you on where germs can be and how you can protect yourself. There are plenty of more places that germs could be but this will help you be mindful when you are out and about in public.
For more information about the coronavirus and how you can protect yourself, visit the CDC website. You are always welcome to leave any comments in the comment box below. Don’t forget to sign up to receive a weekly email full of new posts on the home page and as always have a blessed day!
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