Last year when everything shutdown was a real wake up call for people around the world but when you get a corona scare yourself, it hits home even more. There are so many people that have lost their lives or their loved ones to the corona virus so I tread lightly with this story.
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Having been directly exposed to someone who tested positive really had me worried and then a couple of days later, I had some of the symptoms that is associated with the corona. Of course I went to get tested but while I waited on the results, I was quarantined to my bedroom. I never appreciated just the sheer luxury of just walking around my own house or eating at a table. Thankfully all my tests came back negative but it did make me realize how important it is to appreciate the small things in life.
Even though it was only a few days of being stuck in the bedroom, here are few things I did to pass the time:
- Watched Netflix
- Played Redecor on my phone
- Read a book
- Worked on a diamond art painting
- Journaled
- Slept a lot
It is true that you really don’t know what you are missing until it’s gone.
Now that I am free and clear to roam around, I think about the simple things that I missed the most during that short period of time.
Human interaction – Not having my husband laying beside me at night, not being able to sit and watch TV together or go out to eat together makes a difference to couple that is used to being together everyday. Not to mention not being able to hold his hand or kiss him goodnight. Don’t get me wrong, we have been physically apart due to business trips but it’s a different feeling being in the same house and not being able to spend time together. It takes a toll on your mental and emotional health.
Freedom of movement – Before I went to the doctor, I didn’t want to move at all. I just wanted to lay in the bed covered up but after I started taking the medicine my doctor prescribed, I didn’t like being stuck in one place. No fresh air or sunshine, only one place to sit and the scenery from the time you wake up till the time you go to sleep. Anxiety and boredom started kicking in and now I totally understand what cabin fever feels like.
There was a silver lining around my cloud.
What put the icing on the cake was that my husband took really good care of me. Of course he did everything as safely as possible but he made sure I had everything I needed. His witty humor kept my spirits high. Him being there for me when I really needed him was one of the greatest things that I am thankful for. You might say that is what partners do but so often people forget to show gratitude for the little things.
Being under quarantine is no joke even for just a few days. I really feel bad for others that have been through it or are going through it. That time alone showed me that I need to appreciate the small things every day because you don’t know when or what will happen in the future. I am even thankful to get back to my desktop so that I can share this story with you! Don’t forget to leave a comment below or get on the email list before you go and as always have a blessed day!