It’s getting close to Easter so all the great crafting ideas comes out to celebrate! There are a lot of cute crafts out there but what happens when you have a tight budget and kids to keep entertained? Create a cheap and easy Easter bunny that will keep them busy making bunnies.
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Easy Easter Bunny Craft
What you will need is:
- Pipe cleaners
- Glue
- Paper or styrofoam plate
- Cotton balls
- Markers or paint for finishing touches

Create the outline. Wrap the pipe cleaner to connect each piece to create the outline. The head and ears of the bunny. Connect the last pipe cleaner to create the lower body. Glue cotton balls to the pipe cleaner outline. Keep gluing the cotton balls to the inside to fill in the body. Continue gluing cotton balls along the upper part of the outline and fill in the body. Next glue cotton balls to the outline of the ears. Lastly glue on feet and a tail. Complete the bunny by using markers or paint to add color for the features.
Super simple right? This simple method can be used to make all kinds of “easy to make” crafts like flowers, snowmen, trees and etc. On a rainy day, this can come in handy to keep the younger ones busy. All you need is a little imagination.
If you try out this craft, leave a comment below to let me know what you think. Sign up for a weekly email from on the home page and as always have a blessed day!